I know I've been REALLY bad at updating my blog. I've had a crazy past few months! I am finally caught up...Yay! Be looking for a new (yes, NEW) Kimberly Gail Photography website and some blog updates this week.
Here are 10 New things going on:
10. The blog will be changed into a photography, DIY projects, good shopping and random moments.
9. You will read alot about my dog-kids, Tommy and Oscar.
8. Daniel Green, my very cute fiance, photographs most weddings with me now!
7. I finished school and then decided to go back and get my teaching certificate.
6. I finally have a sample custom album
5. I really like Texas Junk Company, like I need to go get a pair of cowboy boots there.
4. I love chandeliers. I am now accepting donations.
3. I also love random chairs. Accepting donations as well.
2. If are getting married in 2011 & are interested in KGP, you need to email me soon....dates are already being booked!
1. I really love photography. It's right under God, Daniel, Family and Dog-kids.
New stuff coming soon........