So I get to spend at least one day each week at home by myself. Just the dogs & I. At first I HATED these days. I kept thinking, "They never leave me alone!". It wasn't until recently that I realized how much I LOVE those days. I'm starting a new job (M-F) and those days will be harder to come by. Don't get me wrong, I love my weekends but there's something about a weekday that makes it so fun. It feels like you're breaking some rule because most people are at work. I took some time today to document just what Tommy, Oscar and I do together. We're pretty freakin' cool.
This is what see as I'm walking back from watering the plants.
How can you not smile??
I'm sorry mail lady for all the barking. They really are sweet.
Playing. Never takes a break...always doing something.
Oscar..too cool to play "baby" games with toys. Sorry Tommy. He's guarding the house.
Little guard dog.
Probably plotting how he can get rid of the little dog.
99.9% of their day - Wrestling. Probably right by my feet.
1 comment:
If I wanted a dog, it would be a dog like Tommy; sorry Oscar.
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